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Book Review: A Rip Through Time


A Rip Through Time by Kelley Armstrong.

Thank you to Minotaur Books for a digital ARC of this book. I purchased a copy so I could read the physical book for my review.

My Review

A Rip Through Time is a historical mystery with a time travel element and a bit of a romance. Overall, this book was just an okay read for me.

I was interested in the characters and the setting and the time travel aspect of this mystery novel had me intrigued, but the writing style, especially in the first significant portion of the novel, kept me from getting too invested and kind of put me off a bit.

I didn't particularly like the way in which I felt the author was explaining things down to the reader, like with the time travel aspect of the novel, the differences in crime solving methods available to the characters had to be repeatedly pointed out, or even simpler facts about the time period in terms of daily living had to be spelled out for the reader. Some of these were unnecessary details that didn't needed to be pointed out to the reader. For me, the repeated occurrence of this took me out of the reading and made it hard for me to really get into this book.

I enjoyed the mystery, but I got a bit lost with the jumping around between characters in the second half when Mallory was trying to solve the crime and I started to lose interest a bit, but things seemed to get back on track again and my level of interest in the reading returned enough to find out how the book ended. I feel like some of this book could have been tidied up and some of the less important meandering unnecessary sentences could have been left out and the reader wouldn't have missed anything, and in fact, the book may have been better for it. This book was definitely written with a series in mind and if you want to any resolution with what happens for the main characters you are introduced to in book 1, you will need to continue the series.

Despite my feelings about the writing in this first book, I did like the characters of Mallory and Dr. Duncan Gray enough to feel that I will continue reading, at least for the next book, to see how it goes and hope for a better reading experience. If I didn't feel the need to finish the book to be able to write a complete review, I am not sure I would have continued reading to the end.

My Rating: 3/5


Book Details

Author: Kelley Armstrong.

Publisher: Minotaur Books.

Publication Date: May 31, 2022.

Genre: Time Travel. Historical Fiction. Romance. Mystery.

Edition: Paperback.

Pages: 352.


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